About me
About me
Since coming across Biography Work in 1984 it has become a central part of my life. I have been working in this field with individuals and with groups and from 1991 onwards also directing various biographical training courses as well as mentoring and contributing to the Biography Trainings of Colleagues in the UK, Switzerland, Spain, Brazil, South Africa and France.
Some stages of my professional career:
Studies in Psychology and Social Anthropology at the Sorbonne in Paris and Heidelberg University. Diploma in clinical psychology in 1978
- 1981 - 1985 first private Psychotherapy practice
- 1985 - 1990 leading psychologist in an anthroposophical rehabilitation centre for addictions „Heilstätte Sieben Zwerge“ at the Lake of Constance, Germany
- 1983 - 1990 parallel to my professional work, seminars and professional training in Biography Work and adult education at the Centre for Social Development in Sussex, UK – an adult education institute, founded on the impulse of Bernard Lievegoed, a pioneer in the field of Biography Work and Social Studies.
- 1990 Diploma in Biographical Counselling
- 1991 - 1998 design and co-direction of the first Training in Biographical Counselling at the Centre for Social Development, UK
- 1997 foundation of the Biography and Social Development Trust in the UK
- Since 1995 giving seminars on biographical themes in the UK, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Spain, South Africa, Sweden, USA and Brazil, on my own and together with colleagues
- 2002 - 2004 Co-direction of a Training in Foundations in applied Biography Work in Bern, Switzerland
- 2003 - 2010 Co-direction of a Training in Biographical Coaching in Arlesheim, Switzerland together with Joop Grün
Parallel to this:
- Since 1991 ongoing private practice in Psychotherapy and Biographical Counselling
- 1998 - 2015 work with Psycho-oncology based on Biography Work in the Lukas Klinik and Ita Wegman Klinik in Arlesheim and Basel, Switzerland
- Since 2003 I coordinate the International Trainers Forum for Biography Work (ITF)
www.internationaltrainersforum.com - Currently my main activites are centered around my seminars and training work in different countries. I mainly split my time between the UK, Germany and Egypt.
When possible I offer private Biographical Coaching sessions locally and via skype.